Saturday, March 19, 2011

Uh Oh... Lucha Shoes has its own youtube channel!

Here's the first Lucha Shoes video for your viewing pleasure

Please like us, or subscribe to our channel, or whatever it is you do with a youtube channel. This first video was loads of fun to make. We're going to be holding contests for the best videos submitted on what people are fighting for.

What are you fighting for?
Fight With Your Feet.
Lucha Shoes.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand...

    How does this help people?

    I could write what I'm fighting for anywhere, why should I purchase your blatantly knocked of shoes (toms) when the only benefit they have on the world is filling your checking account.

    This is ridiculous, not to mention disgusting to take advantage of peoples feelings like this.

    The only this you're selling is guilt.


Who loves Lucha?